What is acceptable use policy? Like any technology, the Internet can be abused. In a school setting, it is therefore necessary to identify and enforce the acceptable use of a school's network and Internet access. This is accomplished through a district's or school's acceptable use policy (AUP). This policy articulates the ways in which the Internet can be used by students. Typically, parents are asked to confirm their understanding of the policy and the consequences for violating the policy by signing a statement of agreement. Teachers who use the Internet and who provide links to recourses via their class web sites should be familiar with the AUP that governs their student's use of the Internet.
What impact does it have on the use of the Web in the classroom? When sharing your student's work or including their images or names in the web site, teachers should be sure to carefully guard a child's privacy. To include any student's information or work, it is best to first have the parent's or guardian's permission. Also, no information about the child should be revealed. The Internet can be a dangerous street and teachers have a moral and professional responsibility to protect students while working online.